FREELANCERS Exhibition by illustrator Fiona McDonnell

UsFolk’s own Fiona McDonnell recently celebrated her first solo show in Framewerk gallery as part of Belfast’s Late Night Art for April 2018. In Fiona’s own words the exhibition is: “inspired by the increasing number of creative freelancers I’ve met and through my own experiences as one. The illustration’s focus on showing the physical and mental weight of being your own boss. Each piece is full of cameos and references to other creative groups and individuals, as a reminder to stay inspired.”

For creatives wanting to pursue their passion full time there is often no other option than to go Freelance. The Freelancers exhibition was a way for Fiona to illustrate the pro’s and con’s of this lifestyle choice, “I wanted to try and illustrate as many different creative practitioners and parts of their process as possible: The mental strain of being your own worst critic, seeking out inspiration and guidance, acquiring the tools necessary to create the work, making the work itself and finally returning back to the maker’s own feelings and abilities dictating this process, and the cycle continues.”

Framewerk gallery was packed from start to finish, thank you to everyone who attended the launch and saw the show!

You can view the entire Freelancers series on Fiona’s website:

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